Thursday, December 18, 2008

Are promotional products a good value?

So, it's the end of the year and you are planning your 2009 marketing budget. Did the promotional products that you used in 2008 make an impact? Should you do more in 2009? A recent study by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) recently outlined the impact and cost per impression of promotional items with interesting results. The study included business/professionals that had received promotional items within the last 12 months and were all 21 or older. Here are a few of the results:
More than 84% of the respondents recalled the advertisers of the promotional items they had received. Furthermore, 42% of the respondents had a more favorable impression of the advertiser after receiving the item. Nearly 25% said they were more likely to do business with that advertiser. A whopping 62% of the respondents had done business with the advertiser after receiving the promotional item.
Not only do promotional products work, but they have staying power. According to the study, pens are the most recalled items, followed by shirts, caps and bags. 81% of the promotional items that were kept were kept because the recipient considered the item to be useful. More than three-quarters of those surveyed said that they had kept their promotional items for more than 6 months!
Bags were reported as the most often used promotional items with an average of 9 times a month. Which also delivers the most impressions with an average of 1,038 impressions per month. The average cost per impression of an ad specialty item is $0.004. Therefore, marketers get a much more favorable return on their investment from ad specialties than nearly any other popular advertising media.
For more information and details from this study, contact your Artina rep at 800.433.5587 or

Monday, December 1, 2008

Shirts - cotton/poly v. cotton

So, it's time to get shirts for your staff. First you have to decide whether you want a woven shirt or a golf shirt. Once you decide that, then you have to choose between a cotton/poly blend and a 100% cotton shirt. How do you decide? Which is better?
Overall, the cotton/poly blend shirts are more popular when it comes to corporate apparel. The blended items feature an enhanced level of durability that can lengthen the life of a garment by as much as three times. Polyester can also withstand high-temperature laundering, which makes the blends hold their color longer. Cotton/poly blends also have a stain release feature and they are often wrinkle-free.
So, in short cotton/polyester blends are a logical choice when it comes to corporate apparel. They last longer, wash better and wear more easily than 100% cotton shirts.
Check out for options or get in touch with your Artina rep at 800.433.5587.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Federal Guidelines for Promotional Products

Beginning in 2009, there will be new federal guidelines governing promotional products. They are set to take effect in February 2009 and may affect the promotional items that you purchase. The new guidelines are primarily focused on Phthalates and lead in products that are intended for children under the age of 13.
These new guidelines will require a Certificate of Conformity for all products intended for children that fall into this age group stating that the product complies with these guidelines. This certificate must accompany the product through US Customs as well as with every domestic shipment. Proof of conformity must be provided for all components and inks from a legitimate testing lab if the product is intended for children under the age of 13. Also, depending on the product category, things like flammability, packaging and FDA standards might apply. Lead levels are set at 600 parts per million for fabric and inks but they will eventually get lower. The target date for the new lower levels to be implemented is August 2009.
Artina Promotional Products will keep posting updates on this blog as they become available, as the guidelines are still evolving and we are still learning how this will effect our industry and you as the consumer of our products.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Artina wins BBB Integrity Award

On Wednesday, October 29th, Artina Promotional Products was awarded the Better Business Bureau Integrity Award. The award has several stringent criteria that involve various aspects of the business including supplier, employee and customer relations. General operational integrity is also a major factor. Founder and President, Chris Bouzounis, accepted the award on behalf of the company.
With 41 years of service under it's belt, Artina is looking forward to continuing to serve the Central Ohio community that made this honor possible. Bouzounis is especially proud of this award, as he believes that without integrity, you have nothing.
To learn more about Artina Promotional Products, visit our website at Check out the news section to learn more about the company and other honors.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Food gifts for the holidays

It is that time of year again...time to think about how you are going to thank your clients for their support in 2008. Did you know that your promotional products distributor can help you if food gifts are on the top of your list? Purchasing food gifts through your distributor is efficient and best of all, the items are branded with your logo in creative ways so the recipient will remember the gift long after the food is gone.

Food gifts are great ways to thank your customers and vendors. They are easily shareable with the entire office and a wide range of fresh, great tasting food is available. You will be surprised with the freshness and quality of the food and often times, the food is fresher than the leading mail order companies. It is typically not packed until the day it is to ship. Check with your distributor to get some tasting samples.

Artina Promotional Products is proud to offer Maple Ridge Farms for food gifts. They offer everything from food towers to ham and turkey. Call 800-433-5587 to learn more.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Corporate Gift Giving

The holidays are fast-approaching and as they do, many companies are thinking about corporate gifts. While December remains the most popular month to give gifts, many companies are trying to set themselves apart with gifts to clients throughout the year. There are many reasons to give a gift to a client that are not limited to thanking them for their business.

Here are a few reasons:
1. Your client received a promotion. What a great time to send a personalized gift that they can use in their new role.
2. Your client stopped by your trade show booth. They are already your client but took the time out of their day to swing by, so send them a small token to thank them.
3. Your client placed an order with you. Just a small item to say thanks for your continued support can go a long way in terms of customer loyalty.
4. Your client or someone in their family had a child. There are a plethora of baby items in our industry, send a diaper bag, blanket or a nice photo frame to congratulate them.
5., no easier way to build your business. So, be sure your client knows you appreciate that they think enough of you to refer you to one of their associates.

These are just a few of the reasons to give a client a gift, there are many more. Corporate gifts leave a lasting impression for your clients and show that you value the relationship past getting the order. This will help to build loyalty and hopefully your business as well.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

BPA - What is it and is it dangerous?

We have all heard the news regarding BPA in water bottles, baby bottles and canned foods. The story is that the BPA leeches into the food or beverage that is placed in these containers, thereby harming the consumer. A recent study by the FDA found however, that the trace amounts of BPA that does leech into the consumables is not harmful to adults or children.

The promotional products industry immediately responded to the BPA scare by offering many products that are BPA free. Those products are still available, however, consumers should not hesitate to continue to purchase the old stand by products as well.

Several states are working on legislation to regulate the amount of BPA that can be in a product that will be used by children three years and younger, so when you are purchasing products, check the state you will be using them in to see if they have enacted legislation.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Imprinted promotional products v. blank corporate gifts

There is not a right or wrong answer when it comes to this question. The best answer is to take care in selecting an appropriate item and think twice about whether or not to put your corporate logo on it.
The ultimate success of a promotional product as a gift for an employee, client or vendor, is whether the recipient uses it or not. Certainly having your logo on it gets more advertising miles out of the product. However, that is assuming they are using the product and seeing the logo each time. If they throw it in their box of junk in the garage, or trash it, then not only did your advertising dollars go down the tube, but so did the recipient’s feeling of appreciation.
Some things to think about when deciding whether or not to imprint the item:
What is the message you are trying to convey?
Cost of item (the higher the price, consider, no imprint or a more subtle imprint such as deboss or tone on tone)
Consider an add on item that can hold the logo (for example – a nice duffle bag with no imprint accompanied with a luggage tag that has the logo)
If you choose not to put the logo, don’t be afraid that the recipient will not remember where it came from – in fact they will likely never forget.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The new and improved Artina website

As you may have noticed, it has been a while since a new blog has been posted. That is because we have been very busy with the design and rollout of the new and improved Artina Promotional Products website ( The new site features an improved search feature with some advanced options that were not previously available. For those that are budget conscious or in a time crunch, you can search by price range or lead time as well. For quick answers, there is an on-line chat. Operators are available from 8:15 to 5:00 get online and chat with us! Along with the improved search features the entire site is more user friendly and easier to navigate. The new site has been a long time in coming and we are pleased to offer this new level of online service to our current and new clients.
Check us out online frequently as the website is a work in progress and we hope to make continuous improvements as well as additions to the products that are available via the site. Currently there are over 10,000 products to choose from. As always, if you don't see what you are looking for on the site, just give us a call...or better with us online!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Labor and other issues in China challenge promotional products industry.

As we are all aware, the price of everything is on the rise these days. The same is true of the promotional products industry as some major changes in China are affecting the industry dramatically. Promotional products are for the most part, imported from overseas and a large majority come from China. In the past, the items have been inexpensive to make for the Chinese and therefore inexpensive for us to purchase. China is now facing several factors that are changing their costs of doing business.
One thing that is not a China only issue is the rising cost of raw materials. Costs for petroleum based plastics have been on the rise for the past couple of years and there are no indications that it is going to slow down.
The Chinese government recently enacted a new labor law that requires employers to give new employee benefits that were not previously given. This of course increases the cost of doing business for these factories and they are in turn passing that on to their clients. China is also now moving into an inflationary environment as opposed to the previously deflationary one. This means that the deflation of the Yuan and the weakening US dollar are working together to increase the prices that we pay for goods. Prices are now being adjusted upward on a weekly basis. Another governmental factor is the decrease in the VAT (Value Add Tax) that the Chinese government has been paying factories to help them offset the cost of production.
Another surprising factor in the mix is the Summer Olympics. The Chinese government has closed many factories for various periods of time in an effort to reduce air pollution for the upcoming games. Lastly, the Chinese labor force is realizing that they can get paid more and have better working conditions closer to their homes and are leaving their jobs. After the Chinese New Year holiday this year, less than 70 of every 100 workers returned to their jobs in the factories. This has significantly reduced the available workforce.So, how does all of this affect promotional products? Well, one thing that is happening are price increases. In the past, the increases have been such that the factories were offsetting the cost on their own, but with the dramatic increases, they are now being forced to pass those along to the end users. The other thing that is happening is inventory issues. With the shortage of workers and the shutdowns, production schedules are being disrupted. So, it is important to talk with your promotional products distributor when you are working on projects to get accurate pricing as well as check inventory prior to placing an order. With the longer lead times for importing goods, it is a good idea to start working on your projects a little further in advance.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Artina's Grand Opening

Please join Artina Promotional Products in celebrating the Grand Opening of their new Powell offices and showroom located at 50 S. Liberty Street, Suite 250, Powell Ohio. The event will take place on Thursday, May 15th from 3-7PM. Food and refreshments will be provided. Join us for a tour of the new space as well as relaxing on the rooftop patio and networking with other Artina clients. Visit our website,, to RSVP. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's too early to think about calendars...or is it?

What do you mean calendars? It is too early to look at calendars for 2009....I just received my 2008 ones! Well, it really isn't too early to start thinking about your calendars for 2009. If you are not using calendars in your marketing plan, it is a perfect time to consider the impact of calendar advertising.
Calendars provide a perfect branding opportunity since everyone looks at a calendar once a day and most people look at it much more often. Once you start using calendars in your marketing plan, your clients start to look forward to receiving them and will ask about them each year. There is a calendar to fit every budget, industry and target audience...from desk calendars, wall calendars and planners.
Calendars also present another unique marketing opportunity when it comes to customization. You can choose to go with a stock calendar, however, the possibilities are unlimited when it comes to creating a completely custom calendar. Your promotional products distributor can walk you through the options for customizing the calendar pads, photos as well as the back of the calendar and adding custom pages at the front that provide valuable information to the recipient.
Now that we know more about the options and value behind calendar advertising, why should you start on your 2009 calendar project now? There are a couple of reasons...first of all, calendar manufacturers are bombarded with orders in the last quarter and if you place your order now, they will hold them to ship when you want them. That way, they are able to manage their production schedule and you get your calendars when you want them. This is especially important if you are ordering a stock calendar, you may run into inventory issues if you wait too long to place your order. Most calendar manufacturers offer early order discounts as an incentive as well, typically the deadline for ordering to take advantage of the discount is end of June. Again, they will hold the order to ship until you are ready to receive the calendars so you do not have to worry about storing them.
Visit our website ( to view some stock options for calendars or call 800-433-5587 and ask to speak to an account executive to learn more about stock or custom calendars.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ideas in Promotion Show 2008

Artina Promotional Products is once again hosting our Ideas in Promotion Show. We have invited our top suppliers to join us. The suppliers are going to be exhibiting in a trade show format to allow you to see their new products as well as proven sellers. The show is a great opportunity to see a lot of new products and to brainstorm about upcoming promotional needs that you may have. Your account executive will be on hand as well to help you navigate the show and keep notes about the products that you like.

The event is being held at the Bridgewater Conference Center in Powell Ohio on April 17th from 10-2. You can visit the website to RSVP or contact Artina directly at 800-433-5587. We encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity, most trade shows of this nature are distributor only events. We will provide lunch as well as exciting prizes to the attendees. Feel free to invite others that you know that you think may benefit from attending the show as well.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Specials....are they a good value?

As we all know, people love things that are on special. Promotional products companies run frequent specials to generate more business for themselves. Like anything else, it is important to determine if the "special" you are getting is a good value.

For example, if you receive a special on a bag that is regularly priced at 4.99 and it is on special for that a good value? At first glance it seems like it. It is vital that you ask your promotional products distributor their opinion of the product on special. It is also a good idea, time permitting, to get an actual sample of the item. You may find that the bag that is on special for 1.99, is really only worth 1.99.

This is just one example of how a strong relationship with your promotional products vendor can help you to avoid getting a product that you are not happy with.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Golf Outings

Spring is in the air and golfers everywhere are practicing their swings. Corporate and charity golf outings can be a welcome break from the work week and are a great way to network and give back to your community. For the organizers, golf outings present a unique challenge. You want to provide your participants with items that they can use at the outing but that they will also use after the event.
There are a variety of ways to use promotional products at your event. Most golf outings involve a welcome kit of some kind. A promotional cooler is a great way to present the items to the golfers. You can insert information about your organization as well as any other promotional items that you have purchased or that have been given to you by sponsors. Golf balls, towels and tees are just a few of the items that can be imprinted and given to your golfers.
For the winners of the outing as well as other events within the tournament, such as closest to the pin, there are a wide range of golf awards availble to fit your needs. Another successful promotion is to provide each person with a photo frame to take home. You can take photos of each foursome and give them at the end of the outing with the frame.
Now that you have taken care of the golfers, what about the staff working your event? Providing your team with a logoed shirt or visor is a great way to recognize their hard work as well as make it easy for the golfers to identify them should they need assistance with something.
Call your promotional products consultant at 800-433-5587 to brainstorm on how promotional products can enhance your golf outing this year!

Monday, February 25, 2008

So...your business is moving?

Having recently moved offices, Artina Promotional Products understands the many challenges you face when you are moving your business. One of the most important aspects in any move it letting people know. How do you let your customer & other business partners know that you are moving? One great way is a direct mail piece. Whether it is a nice full color postcard of the new space with a magnet attached bearing your new information to an invitation to an event at your new office, direct mail is a great way to reach everyone.

Once you are in the new office, it is a great idea to host and Open House for clients. With all of the work it takes to move to a new location, it is nice to be able to share the new space with clients. It gives your team a chance to network and spend a little social time with clients that does not have a selling undertone. It is a great time to build or solidify existing relationships. Don't forget to send them home with something to remember the event and your new contact information. It doesn't have to be something big but it does have to be something that the client will keep with them. Contact your promotional products consultant for ideas that will leave your business partners with a lasting impression.

For more information on using promotional products to help achieve your business goals, contact Artina Promotional Products at 800-433-5587.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Artina Promotional Products is Moving!

Artina Promotional Products will be relocating it's offices to Powell, Ohio on Thursday, February 14th. The office will close on 2/14 at 1:00 PM and will re-open for business on 2/15 at 10:00 AM.

Please note our new address and phone information below:

Artina Promotional Products
50 S. Liberty Street
Suite 250
Powell OH 43065

614-635-8866 Fax

We will be hosting a Grand Opening Reception in the near for details in the blog as well as on our website.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to make the most of your trade show.

The promotional products industry is gearing up for the start of the Spring trade show season. As you begin to plan for the trade shows you will exhibit at, here are a few tips that can help to make them more successful.

The organizers of the trade show can make available to you a list of all registered attendees. This list can be very instrumental in making your show a success. Pre-show mailings can generate excitement about your booth, especially if you are launching a new product. There are many types of direct mail pieces that can be used, from basic postcards to various games that can be played for prizes at the booth.
Another thing you can do pre-show, is to put something in the trade show bags that each attendee receives at the show. This ensures that each attendee has an opportunity to learn about your company regardless of whether or not they stop by the booth to meet you.

One thing that all trade show attendees expect when they visit your booth is a giveaway. It is important to maximize your giveaway budget and get the most bang for your buck. One way to do this is to do a tiered system of giveaway items. Purchase a promotional product that is inexpensive, useful and will stay in the prospect's mind to give to everyone that stops by the booth. You will find that many people will stop by a booth just to see what you are handing out. The handout you select can impact the leads you generate as well, the better the item, the more people are going to come to your booth. Imagine an item so creative that you have a line of prospects at your booth! It is important to focus on those leads that come to your booth that you identify right away as qualified. You may know this based on the company they are with, their position or if you get to spend some time with them talking about their business needs and how your product can help them. For these leads, keep a small stash of higher priced items to give to them. This lets them know you appreciated their time and makes the feel good about the time they spent in your booth.

As important as getting the right people to your booth is how you handle the leads after the show. It is critical to follow-up with the leads as soon as you get back to the office. However, remember that they stopped at countless booths and they are being bombarded with materials from other vendors. You will need to do something to set yourself appart from the rest of the information they are getting. A creative promotional product can do the trick.

As you prepare for trade show season, talk with your promotional consultant about the shows you are attending and work with them to get the most impact out of your show. For great ideas, call Artina Promotional Products at 800-433-5587 or visit us on the web at

Monday, January 21, 2008

Direct Mail Campaigns

Did you know that your promotional products supplier can also help you increase your direct mail campaigns? When most companies are planning a direct mail campaign, they are not considering promotional products. While direct mail has typically low response rates, adding a promotional product can help increase your response rates.

According to the PPAI (Promotional Products Association International) website, a direct mail piece featuring a letter alone will garner a response rate of 1.8%. When a promotional product is added to the mailing, the response rate increases to 2.7%. To gain the best results from your direct mail campaign, the letter should extend an offer for a promotional item in return for responding to the campaign. With these types of offers, the response rate jumps to 7.3%.

The types of promotional products that can be used in direct mail campaigns are as varied as the campaigns themselves. The most common direct mail campaign that includes a promotional item is a postcard mailing that includes a skin-packed magnet or other flat product. There are some very creative options when it comes to direct mail campaigns that can go along with your marketing theme. For instance, there are mailings that are centered around blackjack, eco-friendly items as well as racing themes. Contact your promotional products consultant for these and many more creative ideas. The options are as endless as your imagination.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Prop 65 - What is it and how does it affect you?

fornia Proposition 65…What is it and how does it affect you?

The State of California has a law called Prop 65 that requires a warning on certain products that are distributed in California. These items require a warning label that states that the product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. So, what does all of that mean and what does it mean for the promotional products buyer?

The State of California has issued a list of chemicals which they have determined to be causes of cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm. Any product that may contain these chemicals is required, by law to bear the warning. The complete list of chemicals can be found on their website The warning is required if the level of chemical exposure is over the “No Significant Risk Level” (NSRL). The NSRL level is if a person is exposed to the chemical at that level for 70 years that the person would have no more than a 1 in 1,000 chance of developing cancer as a result of the exposure.

The warning is also required if the if the person is exposed to the chemical at more than 1/1,000 of the “No Observable Effect Level” (NOEL). The NOEL is the level determined by California to pose no reproductive harm to humans or lab animals. However, it is important to note that only a small number of the chemicals on the list have NSRL or NOEL levels.

It is important to find out how this will affect your promotional products purchasing if you are shipping items into the State of California. Your promotional products distributor should be able to find out if the Prop 65 requirements are being met by the supplier that you are purchasing promotional products from. All products are subject to the guidelines from mugs to coolers, it is important to make sure that your products are in compliance. Most promotional products vendors are in compliance at this point and some may charge an additional fee for the labeling process to ship items into California.

If you have any concerns the State of California recommends that you seek legal advice on how Prop 65 affects you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Going Green

These days everyone is seeing green. Regardless of what you are doing, it is likely that you will see the words green, eco-friendly, recycled, organic or any combination of these words. From new communites that are being built with eco-friendly heating systems and green spaces to items at the supermarket, everyone is trying to do their part to lessen our environmental footprints. The promotional products industry has followed that path by offering a wide range of promotional products that are both organic and or recycled .

Organic products are defined by the Organic Trade Association as those products that are produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act. The principal guidelines for organic production are to use materials and practices that enhance the ecological balance of natural systems and that integrate the parts of the farming system into an ecological whole.

Recycled products are those that are made from at least some percentage of either pre or post-consumer waste. Recycled products also include items that are recycled through reuse according to the Federal Trade Commission. As a matter of fact, recycling through reuse is better for the environment as no new processes or materials are required.

The promotional products industry is meeting the challenge of providing eco-friendly, recycled and organic products to corporations that are trying to do their part to lessen their impact on the environment. From t-shirts, cloth bags, letter openers and plastic bags…you can find virtually anything you want in an organic or recycled version. The recycled products should display the recycled symbol and will frequently let you know what percentage of the product is made from pre or post-consumer waste.

These products are typically a little more expensive than regular products but environmentally conscious corporations find that the extra expense is worth it to do their part in helping to save the environment.