Monday, January 21, 2008

Direct Mail Campaigns

Did you know that your promotional products supplier can also help you increase your direct mail campaigns? When most companies are planning a direct mail campaign, they are not considering promotional products. While direct mail has typically low response rates, adding a promotional product can help increase your response rates.

According to the PPAI (Promotional Products Association International) website, a direct mail piece featuring a letter alone will garner a response rate of 1.8%. When a promotional product is added to the mailing, the response rate increases to 2.7%. To gain the best results from your direct mail campaign, the letter should extend an offer for a promotional item in return for responding to the campaign. With these types of offers, the response rate jumps to 7.3%.

The types of promotional products that can be used in direct mail campaigns are as varied as the campaigns themselves. The most common direct mail campaign that includes a promotional item is a postcard mailing that includes a skin-packed magnet or other flat product. There are some very creative options when it comes to direct mail campaigns that can go along with your marketing theme. For instance, there are mailings that are centered around blackjack, eco-friendly items as well as racing themes. Contact your promotional products consultant for these and many more creative ideas. The options are as endless as your imagination.

1 comment:

BusinessSavvy said...

I love reading about corporate gifts and promotional products because they really can make the difference between your company succeeding or failing. Our company usually creates Promotional Products and Promotional Items with InkHead. I highly recommend them! A neat idea to consider selling your Promotional Products as your own brand. It works great for stores of any kind.