Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Going Green

These days everyone is seeing green. Regardless of what you are doing, it is likely that you will see the words green, eco-friendly, recycled, organic or any combination of these words. From new communites that are being built with eco-friendly heating systems and green spaces to items at the supermarket, everyone is trying to do their part to lessen our environmental footprints. The promotional products industry has followed that path by offering a wide range of promotional products that are both organic and or recycled .

Organic products are defined by the Organic Trade Association as those products that are produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act. The principal guidelines for organic production are to use materials and practices that enhance the ecological balance of natural systems and that integrate the parts of the farming system into an ecological whole.

Recycled products are those that are made from at least some percentage of either pre or post-consumer waste. Recycled products also include items that are recycled through reuse according to the Federal Trade Commission. As a matter of fact, recycling through reuse is better for the environment as no new processes or materials are required.

The promotional products industry is meeting the challenge of providing eco-friendly, recycled and organic products to corporations that are trying to do their part to lessen their impact on the environment. From t-shirts, cloth bags, letter openers and plastic bags…you can find virtually anything you want in an organic or recycled version. The recycled products should display the recycled symbol and will frequently let you know what percentage of the product is made from pre or post-consumer waste.

These products are typically a little more expensive than regular products but environmentally conscious corporations find that the extra expense is worth it to do their part in helping to save the environment.

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