Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why do flash drives vary in price?

If you think you are getting a bargain on inexpensive flash may want to think again. There are several ways that you can get taken unaware when you are purchasing flash drives, especially if you are getting them from an online resource. One rule of thumb, if you get three bids and one is significantly lower, beware. It is likely to be a fake.
Industrial hackers target the low cost flash drive market and with some simple software they can make a 32MB flash drive appear to be as valuable as a 4GIG drive. Another thing to beware of when purchasing flash drives is recycled memory. Recycling memory allows for the production of very low cost flash drives, but the quality is never as good as a first run piece and therefore, is likely to fail.
So, you are thinking about purchasing flash drives for your upcoming promotion. It is important to ask your promotional products distributor about the things referenced above. They should be able to get the information for you if they do not already know the answers. Most of the suppliers of memory to the promotional products industry are reputable and are using first quality items. You should always consider getting a sample, especially if you are planning to upload files before you hand out the items. Be sure that the file fits on the drive and that it works properly. The cost of flash drives has come down significantly over the past year, so do not be afraid of a low cost item. But, do be very cautious. Also, keep in mind that the cost of memory changes weekly, so the price you get this week may be different next week.
You can visit our website to check out some of the latest memory stick styles...


mannu said...

I am very much agreed with your words "Be sure that the file fits on the drive and that it works properly " Always check your promotional products which you are buying from the distributer.

Gramjen said...

Thank you for the information on promotional flash drives. The section regarding recycled memory was particularly helpful. I did not realize this feature would cause a device to be more likely to fail.

Unknown said...

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Promotional products

Unknown said...

Flash USB is such a great promotional items that really work effectively to attract i really like your post about how long does flash drive last...
Promotional Flash Drive