Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coop advertising

So, you want to order promotional products to leave behind on sales calls or give out at trade shows but your budget has been reduced. There is a creative way that you can still get these items and...not have to pay for them! If your business is a distributor of various brands, there may be opportunities that you are missing. Many companies offer coop dollars to their distributors to aid in the marketing of their lines. Promotional products are a great way to accomplish this, your logo and the manufacturer's logo can both go on the item. You get your name out there, they get there name out there and you didn't have to pay for anything. It is obviously a great benefit to your manufacturers to have you pushing their product lines first, so they are more than willing to partner with you in marketing efforts.

If you are not sure if your partners offer coop advertising dollars, just ask. Of course, with multiple logos on the items, your promotional products professional can steer you towards the appropriate items that allow adequate imprint area.

In this economy, advertising is more important than ever, so don't miss out on an excellent opportunity to maximize your partnerships.

1 comment:

zack@ said...

Awesome review!! I think good way to publish our product!!!! Thanks for sharing with us! Dental Marketing