Friday, May 22, 2009

Fitness and promotional products

Did you know that this week was fitness week? I didn't either, so don't worry about that. Even though this week was the "official" fitness week, you can incorporate fitness into your work life every week. Many companies are promoting wellness programs with discounted gym memberships, weight loss challenges etc. Promotional products are a great way to promote your programs and keep people motivated to lose the weight and get in better shape. People spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else, so workplace wellness is critical for setting the tone for their eating and exercise habits.
Employers also realize several benefits to providing a workplace wellness program.
1. Enhanced recriutment and retention of healthy employees.
2. Reduced health care costs - from 20-55%
3. Decreased rates of illness and/or injury.
4. Reduced employee absenteeism - by 6-32%
5. Improved employee relations and morale.
6. Increased productivity - 2-52%
Also, depending on the scope of your program, tax benefits may be available to you as the employer for offering the wellness programs.
So, that being said, you offer the wellness program, how do you get people to use it? There are a variety of promotional products that can serve as reminders, aids and incentives to participate in the program. Visit us at or give us a call at 800.433.5587.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Promotional Products and Marketing in a tough economy

Why do promotional products deliver the best return on investment in an unsettled economy? Why should they be a vital part of your marketing mix?

1. They increase sales...62% of customers do business with the company after receiving a promotional product.
2. Brand awareness...84% of customers remember the business that provided them with the promotional product.
3. Return on .004 per impression, promotional products have the best CPI of popular advertising mediums.
4. Improved relations...42% of customers view the business more favorably after receiving the item and virtually none indicate a negative feeling.
5. Frequency and repetition...a key to advertisting. Promotional products are kept on average for 7 months and many are used in business every day.

Check out for the latest in ideas to promote your business.