Thursday, April 9, 2009

Recognition Programs

Does your company have an employee recognition program? Are you considering one? Are you considering to eliminate or cut back on the one you have?
Employee recognition programs are more essential now than ever. Why?
1. Recognition boosts people's esteem and performance...they need to feel important and satisfied.
2. It signifies that someone notices and cares about their performance and them. It can lead to new motivation, improved performance and increased self-esteem.
3. Recognition is more important than ever...the competition to hire and keep the best workers is at an all time high. Not only that, but ordinary people need to produce extraordinary results. 4. Recognition creates role models and heroes for the rest of the team. It recognizes the kind of performance that is noticed and other employees aspire to that.

Artina Promotional Products provides a wide range of recognition programs with not only symbolic awards but other types as well. Check out for ideas or give us a call at 800.433.5587.
Keep an eye out for the next post where we will delve further into the Recognition Program topic. In the meantime, we would love to hear about some of your recognition programs or any questions you may have.

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