Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Food gifts for the holidays

It is that time of year again...time to think about how you are going to thank your clients for their support in 2008. Did you know that your promotional products distributor can help you if food gifts are on the top of your list? Purchasing food gifts through your distributor is efficient and best of all, the items are branded with your logo in creative ways so the recipient will remember the gift long after the food is gone.

Food gifts are great ways to thank your customers and vendors. They are easily shareable with the entire office and a wide range of fresh, great tasting food is available. You will be surprised with the freshness and quality of the food and often times, the food is fresher than the leading mail order companies. It is typically not packed until the day it is to ship. Check with your distributor to get some tasting samples.

Artina Promotional Products is proud to offer Maple Ridge Farms for food gifts. They offer everything from food towers to ham and turkey. Call 800-433-5587 to learn more.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Corporate Gift Giving

The holidays are fast-approaching and as they do, many companies are thinking about corporate gifts. While December remains the most popular month to give gifts, many companies are trying to set themselves apart with gifts to clients throughout the year. There are many reasons to give a gift to a client that are not limited to thanking them for their business.

Here are a few reasons:
1. Your client received a promotion. What a great time to send a personalized gift that they can use in their new role.
2. Your client stopped by your trade show booth. They are already your client but took the time out of their day to swing by, so send them a small token to thank them.
3. Your client placed an order with you. Just a small item to say thanks for your continued support can go a long way in terms of customer loyalty.
4. Your client or someone in their family had a child. There are a plethora of baby items in our industry, send a diaper bag, blanket or a nice photo frame to congratulate them.
5. Referrals...wow, no easier way to build your business. So, be sure your client knows you appreciate that they think enough of you to refer you to one of their associates.

These are just a few of the reasons to give a client a gift, there are many more. Corporate gifts leave a lasting impression for your clients and show that you value the relationship past getting the order. This will help to build loyalty and hopefully your business as well.