Thursday, August 27, 2009

Healthy Workforce Act & Promotional Products

In April of 2009, the Healthy Workforce Act of 2009 was introduced to the Senate and House for consideration. This legislation would give a tax credit to employers who implement wellness programs. An employer would receive a 50% tax credit for the costs of providing employees with a qualified wellness program up to $200 for the first 200 employees and $100 for each employee above that. Wow, what an incentive, plus the employer will see the benefits when the cost of their insurance decreases and they see increased productivity from their energized employees.
However, what will motivate employees to participate in the program? Employers will need to provide incentives to join the program and recognize achievements for those who continue. These items can include anything from water bottles, towels and pedometers to bags and watches. Making a contest for the participants to strive for also offers the opportunity to recognize the participants with trophies and other awards. These are tangible things that can be kept at their desks to remind them and others of the achievements realized through the wellness program.
Ask your promotional products professional for other creative ideas that can help your employees reach their fitness goals. You can check out some ideas at or just give us a call at 800.433.5587.