Monday, February 25, 2008

So...your business is moving?

Having recently moved offices, Artina Promotional Products understands the many challenges you face when you are moving your business. One of the most important aspects in any move it letting people know. How do you let your customer & other business partners know that you are moving? One great way is a direct mail piece. Whether it is a nice full color postcard of the new space with a magnet attached bearing your new information to an invitation to an event at your new office, direct mail is a great way to reach everyone.

Once you are in the new office, it is a great idea to host and Open House for clients. With all of the work it takes to move to a new location, it is nice to be able to share the new space with clients. It gives your team a chance to network and spend a little social time with clients that does not have a selling undertone. It is a great time to build or solidify existing relationships. Don't forget to send them home with something to remember the event and your new contact information. It doesn't have to be something big but it does have to be something that the client will keep with them. Contact your promotional products consultant for ideas that will leave your business partners with a lasting impression.

For more information on using promotional products to help achieve your business goals, contact Artina Promotional Products at 800-433-5587.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Artina Promotional Products is Moving!

Artina Promotional Products will be relocating it's offices to Powell, Ohio on Thursday, February 14th. The office will close on 2/14 at 1:00 PM and will re-open for business on 2/15 at 10:00 AM.

Please note our new address and phone information below:

Artina Promotional Products
50 S. Liberty Street
Suite 250
Powell OH 43065

614-635-8866 Fax

We will be hosting a Grand Opening Reception in the near for details in the blog as well as on our website.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to make the most of your trade show.

The promotional products industry is gearing up for the start of the Spring trade show season. As you begin to plan for the trade shows you will exhibit at, here are a few tips that can help to make them more successful.

The organizers of the trade show can make available to you a list of all registered attendees. This list can be very instrumental in making your show a success. Pre-show mailings can generate excitement about your booth, especially if you are launching a new product. There are many types of direct mail pieces that can be used, from basic postcards to various games that can be played for prizes at the booth.
Another thing you can do pre-show, is to put something in the trade show bags that each attendee receives at the show. This ensures that each attendee has an opportunity to learn about your company regardless of whether or not they stop by the booth to meet you.

One thing that all trade show attendees expect when they visit your booth is a giveaway. It is important to maximize your giveaway budget and get the most bang for your buck. One way to do this is to do a tiered system of giveaway items. Purchase a promotional product that is inexpensive, useful and will stay in the prospect's mind to give to everyone that stops by the booth. You will find that many people will stop by a booth just to see what you are handing out. The handout you select can impact the leads you generate as well, the better the item, the more people are going to come to your booth. Imagine an item so creative that you have a line of prospects at your booth! It is important to focus on those leads that come to your booth that you identify right away as qualified. You may know this based on the company they are with, their position or if you get to spend some time with them talking about their business needs and how your product can help them. For these leads, keep a small stash of higher priced items to give to them. This lets them know you appreciated their time and makes the feel good about the time they spent in your booth.

As important as getting the right people to your booth is how you handle the leads after the show. It is critical to follow-up with the leads as soon as you get back to the office. However, remember that they stopped at countless booths and they are being bombarded with materials from other vendors. You will need to do something to set yourself appart from the rest of the information they are getting. A creative promotional product can do the trick.

As you prepare for trade show season, talk with your promotional consultant about the shows you are attending and work with them to get the most impact out of your show. For great ideas, call Artina Promotional Products at 800-433-5587 or visit us on the web at